jueves, 19 de junio de 2014


Surfing is and always will be a sport of intensity and the shared experience of the power of the ocean. With time and technology, surfing has evolved with the decades and rapid industrial growth.
Today surfing continues to carry the lifestyle that it made for itself over 50 years ago. Boards are in constant metamorphosis ranging in size from 5 to 12 feet and shaping has become both an art and a career. A total of three fins have been placed on the back of the board for maximum control and pivoting. Materials like fiberglass and resin ensure the board's protection.

The world has become more accessible through all transportation means and, therefore, easier to search for that perfect wave.

Pro surfers are constantly pushing all limits to modernize the sport. Sufers like Kelly Slater, Taj Burrow and Laird Hamilton are a few of the many who push themselves to ride the biggest waves, jump the biggest airs and take the biggest risks. 
Magazines, documentaries, accessories and advertisements all contribute to the mainstream popularity that surfing has today. But for most soul surfers and those who can appreciate the stoke, or natural high, of riding a wave and being part of the ocean, the passion remains.

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